We need our privacy!

Jun 03, 2007

SIR — I am increasingly getting alarmed at the interference of individual privacy while speaking to friends, elderly parents and relatives at home.

SIR — I am increasingly getting alarmed at the interference of individual privacy while speaking to friends, elderly parents and relatives at home.

It has been common for certain people to refer to those living abroad as ‘rebels’ with the intention of subjecting us to arbitrary exile. Article 19 (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

The government of Uganda recognises the importance of the remissions of Ugandans working abroad to the country’s economy. It is not only the contributions to the economy that should be the focus of our country’s government.

Our MPs should also realise that we have a right to practise our cultures, to speak our languages and take care of our widowed or ageing parents in the absence of any social security, before they regularise the interference with our phone conversations.

We are Ugandans wherever we are, and the Ugandanness in many of us can never leave us. Many of us are returning home to retire and are making such arrangements that when weighed, are actually helping to develop this country.

Those who have never left their country and are already wealthy, may never understand why people migrate. Not every Ugandan abroad is a muyekera regardless of how they left the country.

Jenn Jagire
Ontario, Canada

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