Mulindwa a Ssalongo

Jul 06, 2007

WE should have sensed something. His incessant beaming and jolliness at Radio Simba’s Ekiggunda Ky' Omwaka last Sunday was not unfounded after all. We have it on good ground that Pearl of Africa Music (PAM) Awards organising committee

WE should have sensed something. His incessant beaming and jolliness at Radio Simba’s Ekiggunda Ky' Omwaka last Sunday was not unfounded after all. We have it on good ground that Pearl of Africa Music (PAM) Awards organising committee

chairman, Isaac Mulindwa (above) and longtime girlfriend, Sarah Kirabo, had twins last week. Kirabo, a former presenter on Dembe FM and an editor at the now defunct tabloid The Mirror gave birth to two bouncing baby boys at Nsambya Hospital last week. Well, bweza Ssalongo Mulindwa Jr.

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