Land should be put to economic use

Jul 07, 2007

SIR — Am very concerned about the recent verbal and kiboko operations against the pastoralist in Kiboga and Kyankwanzi. Why do we hate local investors? No wonder the government prefers giving the land to foreigners!

SIR — Am very concerned about the recent verbal and kiboko operations against the pastoralist in Kiboga and Kyankwanzi. Why do we hate local investors? No wonder the government prefers giving the land to foreigners!

Why do we discourage the economic utilisation of otherwise idle land covered by bushes?

Land use broadens the tax base to include products from these ‘Balalo’ instead of taxing our salaries all the time.
The issue of Buganda land is beside the point because we are heading for the East Africa Federation and not kingdoms.

If land belongs to no individual, let the government develop it or Buganda should distribute it to its people for use. I would rather encourage the government to levy a tax on land that is not under any economic use or look for ways of utilising it to evolve from peasantry.

Stanley katwaza

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