How to fight hang-over

Dec 30, 2007

IF one has had too much to drink at New Year, here is the guide to surviving even the worst festive hang-over.<br>

IF one has had too much to drink at New Year, here is the guide to surviving even the worst festive hang-over.

Drink water
Dehydration is one of the main symptoms of a hang-over, so replenishing the body’s water supply is good. Try adding one teaspoon of salt and four to five teaspoons of sugar per litre. Sip this slowly. Alternatively, use non-carbonated sports drinks.

Eat a banana
Food is required to replace lost electrolytes. Bananas replenish the potassium lost on all the trips to the toilet during a heavy night drinking.

Get some fresh air through exercise
Try speeding up the metabolic rate with exercises. This will increase the speed with which the body breaks down the alcohol.

Try a cold compress
There are two ways of making a cold compress; one using a pad, the other an ice pack. To make a cold pad, use a towel or cloth that has been dipped in very cold water, wrung out and folded into a pad. To keep the compress cool, dip it in the water every few minutes and repeat the same process. This should be done for at least 10 minutes. Alternatively, use an ice pack sealed with frozen peas. Do not use the ice pack for more than 10 minutes.

Drink fruit juice
Fruit juice is high in vitamins and nutrients that were depleted by the diuretic effect of the alcohol. Juice has fructose which burns alcohol faster.

Get some pain relief
Take a pain killer

Eat honey
Since honey is a very concentrated source of fructose, it helps burn alcohol. Eating honey in the morning will help flush out alcohol.

Eat amino acids
Amino acids are building blocks of proteins. Just like vitamins and minerals, they can also be depleted by alcohol.

Take Vitamin B Complex
Drinking alcohol drains the body
of these valuable vitamins.

Eat a good meal
A balanced meal will replace the loss of essential nutrients. Keep
the meal light: no fats or fried food.

Have two cups of coffee
The coffee acts as the vaso-constrictor, meaning something that lessens swelling of blood vessels that cause headaches. A couple of cups can do a great deal to relieve the headaches associated with hang-overs. But do not drink too much of it.

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