Waldron should be fairly tried

Feb 24, 2006

SIR – There is the question of what to do about Peter Waldron, his reported connections in high

SIR – There is the question of what to do about Peter Waldron, his reported connections in high places notwithstanding. I believe these types need to be put firmly in their place and a stint at Central Police Station is an apt beginning for Waldron.

I can already hear the diplomatic community complaining about the “dictatorship in Uganda” harassing diplomats, pastors, civic educators and journalists. We need to stand firm against this creeping attempt at recolonisation.

If a Ugandan (Jamal Kiyemba) can be put in a concentration camp for years without charge or trial by a country that claims to be the world’s leading “democracy”, surely a “dictatorship” must be entitled to arrest, charge, try and if guilty sentence the offender, American or not. He should then be deported after serving his sentence. HGK Nyakoojo Buziga

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