Nyombi, that is bad faith!

Jan 04, 2005

SIR — I disagree with MP Nyombi Thembo’s arguments in favour of abolishing secret ballot voting on issues relating to constitutional amendments. It is unconvincing for him to argue that secret voting will make Mps accountable to their electorates.

SIR — I disagree with MP Nyombi Thembo’s arguments in favour of abolishing secret ballot voting on issues relating to constitutional amendments. It is unconvincing for him to argue that secret voting will make Mps accountable to their electorates.

Should I say that Nyombi is not accountable to his electorates since he was elected through the secret ballot system?

To me, this is a clear indication that the Movement is not even sure of its majority in parliament as they have been claiming. I don’t see how secret ballot voting will erode its majority when it comes to voting on constitutional amendments.

Advocating secret voting is an attempt by the movement to make Mps account for the Kisanja money they have already taken and much more to come. Nyombi’s motion is manipulative and was moved in bad faith.


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