Plant trees urgently

Feb 25, 2005

MPs this week asked government to explain the present ‘hostile weather’ and lands minister Baguma Isoke responded that global warming was affecting the whole world.

MPs this week asked government to explain the present ‘hostile weather’ and lands minister Baguma Isoke responded that global warming was affecting the whole world.

Uganda is on the brink of an environmental disaster. Deforestation has compounded the effects of global warming resulting in the present exceptionally hot and dry conditions.

The situation is only going to get worse because Uganda is now in a ‘wood deficit’, meaning that its annual wood consumption exceeds wood production. Uganda’s forests and biomass will continue to shrink, making the climate even drier and hotter.

Government cannot keep dodging the issue. It should initiate an emergency tree-planting scheme with all Ugandans compelled to participate. Otherwise Lake Victoria may dry up.

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