Dogs susu on Akello seat

Jun 10, 2005

Barely days after a top politician did susu in his pants, we now hear that four dogs belonging to Teso Katakwi Soroti Organisation went and did their thing before the mammoth gathering in Soroti sports ground last week.

Barely days after a top politician did susu in his pants, we now hear that four dogs belonging to Teso Katakwi Soroti Organisation went and did their thing before the mammoth gathering in Soroti sports ground last week. As the minister of state in charge of the Northern Uganda Rehabilitation programme, Grace Akello, was passing out cadres who had undergone vocational skills training organised by NUSAF and World Vision, the dogs came out of nowhere and did their susu on Akello's seat and other seats before a security guard chased them away. Fortunately for Akello, she was given a fresh seat while the hapless trainees had to make do with the susu-reeking chairs

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