Ruyonga is the man!

Nov 13, 2005

SIR — I am glad the constituents of Fort Portal Municipality saw sense and returned Asaba Ruyonga as their mayor. The reason Ruyonga beat his opponents hands- down is simple.

SIR — I am glad the constituents of Fort Portal Municipality saw sense and returned Asaba Ruyonga as their mayor. The reason Ruyonga beat his opponents hands- down is simple.

His performance is well demonstrated. He calls a spade a spade and does not use his position to reap where he did not sow. he is not greedy and is therefore dependable and reasonable. Many people were determined to return him, whichever party he belonged to.

He is a good example of the importance of electing office bearers on individual merit. I am afraid, with the return of parties, we are going to lose performers because of shortsightedness based on religion, tribe, party and other parochial considerations.

Now that Ruyonga is back, I request him to work with other stakeholders to open the Buraro-Kitumba road and the Buraro-Bukwali one since now it has been confirmed the Kabarole headquarters are going to be at Kitumba. This road network is essential to conveniently connect the headquarters from all directions.

I believe, with Ruyonga’s strategic and developmental insight, this project can take off quickly and successfully. Already, most corners of the municipality enjoy power and piped water!

Wilson Kasaija

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