Cross word puzzle

Nov 19, 2005

1 Place to bury the dead (5)<br>6 Weapon which fires bullets (3)<br>7 Girl’s clothing (5)

1 Place to bury the dead (5)
6 Weapon which fires bullets (3)
7 Girl’s clothing (5)
8 Black liquid used in road making (3)
11 Openings in the nose (8)
15 Short for Monday (3)
16 North West on a compass (2)
17 Biggest international computer network (8)

1 50th anniversary celebrations are called … (6)
2 Messengers of God (6)
3 What hens lay (4)
4 Movable shelter made of canvass (4)
5 Not far (4)
9. Opposite of present (6)
10 Metallic container (3)
12 Falls at the Jinja dam (4)
13 Abbreviation for Trade Mark (2)
14 Cry of a lion (4)

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