Why Let Syringe Maker Go To Malawi?

Mar 05, 2004

SIR— I read with dismay the story “Korean syringe maker relocates to Malawi” in your paper of Wednesday.

SIR— I read with dismay the story “Korean syringe maker relocates to Malawi” in your paper of Wednesday.
We encourage these people to come and invest in Uganda, then frustrate them. Why on earth doesn’t the Government legislate against the importation of something already being produced in the country? You hear the Government has imported ballot papers, UNEB also brings in exam print from abroad, Coca-Cola prefers non-Ugandan sugar. What the hell is wrong with us? Who is supposed to consume what we produce? The name Muhwezi sounds big in both the Ministry of Health and the Uganda Investment authority corridors. Can’t they hold peace talks over this?

Joseph Avon

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