Miss KIU 2004 was rigged!

Apr 09, 2004

A dark cloud of shame hangs over last Saturday’s Miss KIU beauty pageant, which took place at Hotel Africana.

A dark cloud of shame hangs over last Saturday’s Miss KIU beauty pageant, which took place at Hotel Africana.

Two days before the contest, scouts had already been informed of the winner, Caroline Wanza, who was chosen at a secret meeting in Angazi, a Kansanga pub.

When scouts spoke to the judges of the contest after the pageant, they too had raised their eyebrows at the results. That shame aside, what exactly do they teach at KIU?

When MC, ‘Uncle Mitch’ asked the contestants what place 'September 11th' had in history, none of them had a clue! And they claim to be university students!

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