Govt Sets Sh1b For Kibaale Landlords

Mar 27, 2002

THE Government has released over sh1b under the land fund scheme to buy land from willing registered Baganda absentee land owners in Kibaale.

By Richard MutumbaTHE Government has released over sh1b under the land fund scheme to buy land from willing registered Baganda absentee land owners in Kibaale.The land would then be passed on to the sitting tenants.The Uganda Land Commission chairman, Besweri Mulondo, on Monday said the move was to diffuse the tension over land in the district.There has been a conflict between the Banyoro and the Bakiga in Kibaale over land ownership. The Banyoro allege that some high government officials want to make them landless.The Land Fund was established under Section 42 of the Land Act 1998 and it buys or acquires registered land to enable sitting tenants acquire titles to the land.“Six pilot areas in Kibaale district have been identified to kick off the exercise. They include Bwanswa in Bugangaizi, Kyanaisoko and Busangamira in Buyanja, Kibaale town council, Mabale in Buyaga and Kakumiro town,” Mulondo said.He said he had invited registered landowners in the areas to submit certified copies of their title certificates to the commission. Mulondo urged the landowners to ensure that where original owners have passed away, succession issues should be sorted out before submission.He said the Chief Government Valuer will undertake valuation in consultation with the landowners before payment is effected.Mulondo said disputed land in Kibaale was estimated to be over 300sq. miles and owned by over 100 Baganda landlords. He said the Government would only buy land from willing sellers. “I have already received several applications from registered owners willing to sell their land. The Government will pay according to the market value,” he said.Ends

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