Taxi men flee after hitting a Mercedes Benz indicator

Jul 12, 2002

A taxi driver and his conductor abandoned their vehicle in the middle of the road after hitting the rear lights of a Mercedes Benz SL 200, causing traffic jam in the process.

By Vision ReporterA taxi driver and his conductor abandoned their vehicle in the middle of the road after hitting the rear lights of a Mercedes Benz SL 200, causing traffic jam in the process. This happened during the evening rush-hour last Monday at the Queens Way round about a few metres from the city centre.“Abbas, biwunye tutekeyo tuna ja wa emitwalo abiri okugula ettala lya Benzi? omuloodi ajja kuwoza (Abbas, things are bad let us flee, for we cannot afford sh200,000 just to buy the rear light of a Benz. Let us leave it to our master)” the driver said before jumping out of the car with the keys. His conductor followed suit and they were soon swallowed by the darkness near the Fire Brigade head quarters. The frustrated Benz owner had no option but to take down the number-plate of the taxi. A break down vehicle had to be brought in to tow away the vehicle.

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