Banker’s Tale Of Infidelity Circles The Globe

Oct 18, 2002

It was supposed to be a simple E-mail that British banker Trevor Luxton sent to a couple of friends boasting about his sexual exploits.

It was supposed to be a simple E-mail that British banker Trevor Luxton sent to a couple of friends boasting about his sexual exploits. But, within a matter of minutes, the e-mail had been forwarded not only round the UK, but the world over including Uganda. The famous E-mail reads as follows.
“Last night I was all geared up for a night in front of the telly watching football, having a ruby and a couple of beers while Jo is still away. Suddenly I get a text from Laura, my mates ex, which says ‘I’m coming round because I need to see you.’ So she comes round and we get chatting about all sorts of stuff and then we start kissing a fondling (as you do). Then, I find myself sitting in the armchair with a beer in one hand, remote in the other, West Ham on the box (TV) and Laura on her knees s*****g my *****... Then the phone rings and it’s Jo who was bored at the airport. So now I’ve got my beer, Laura s*****g and Jo chatting to me on the dog (phone). When Laura stops s*****g, looks up at me, winks and whispers ‘Say hello to Jo for me’ and then gets back to the job in hand. Am I the worst boyfriend in the world or what?????”
And this is to give you an idea of people’s reactions as they forwarded the E-mail. “This is so awful, I shouldn’t send it really, but I know none of you will forward it on. Start from the bottom and go up. “Dear, dear me: Can’t believe I'm forwarding this on but something tells me your office would get a kick out of this!” “Read the message and forward to anyone in the city that you know...” “This chap is horrible. Does anyone know him? What a loser. This could spread very quickly. I think we should get this dirty love rat in as much trouble as possible by sending it round to anybody you know!” Ends

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