Public inquiries are becoming pointless!

Nov 17, 2002

SIR— I agree with Kimuli Mutebi of Hamburg in Germany in a letter which appeared on October 21 about commissions of inquiry

SIR— I agree with Kimuli Mutebi of Hamburg in Germany in a letter which appeared on October 21 about commissions of inquiry.

If corruption is just exposed without action being taken, then these probes are a waste of money. Definite steps have to be seen to be taken against the culprits. For investigations alone, any common person will tell you what URA employees possess.

The comment made by the IGG later that he will make his own independent inquiry shows how pointless these inquiries are getting to be. What’s the use of duplicating efforts?

Some serious countries take any or a combination of the following: One, dismiss the employee with disgrace. Two, freeze their property. Three, prosecute them.

The Government must take a stern stand. May be one of these days shortfalls in revenue collection will diminish.

Irene Nalwoga

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