Support Movement, Teachers Told

Jun 10, 2002

HEADTEACHERS have been called upon to be allies of the Movement government.

By Williams MoiHEADTEACHERS have been called upon to be allies of the Movement government.The call was made by the Kumi Resident District Commissioner, David Mutahunga Masereka, while opening a five-day training course for 161 primary schools headteachers drawn from Pallisa and Kumi district.It was held at BKC Polytechnic Ngora recently.Masereka told them that the solution to unemployment in Uganda lies in the education sector. He expressed appreciation that UPE enrolment had risen from 2.2-7 million pupils. He told them to concentrate on the use of UPE funds on lower primary level from P. 1 - P. 3.The theme of the course was “Personnel Management”. The principal of the school, those trained would be awarded certificates by Kyambogo University.Ends

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