WBS' Straka jailed in CPS!

Dec 06, 2002

Scandalous news that landed on this desk has it that Straka Mwezi, presenter of The Late Show on WBS has been more than a naughty girl

Scandalous news that landed on this desk has it that Straka Mwezi, presenter of The Late Show on WBS has been more than a naughty girl.

In her quest to land herself a visa to travel to the UK, the more than voluptuous presenter, cut a few corners. Rather than ask Elvis Sekyanzi, the stations Executive Director to endorse her visa application, she did it herself by forging his signature. Obviously she got caught and earned herself a short-term stay in Katumba Wamala's guest house — CPS! While she was not fired from her job, she is currently serving a suspension term.

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