First teach the children how to abstain!

Dec 11, 2001

SIR—I read Jane Kabwisho’s letter of Monday, November 26 “Idle platitudes won’t halt the crisis” with much admiration.

SIR—I read Jane Kabwisho’s letter of Monday, November 26 “Idle platitudes won’t halt the crisis” with much admiration. But at the same time it left a lot to be desired. Kabwisho was only failing to affirm what I had raised regarding the morality of our country which seems to be going to the dogs. I failed to see what she refers to as idle platitudes because she did not even offer any alternative to the avoidance of HIV/Aids infection except only the use of a condom. Because all the seminars I have attended about HIV/Aids, the facilitators always say the condom is not 100% safe even if it is 98%. What about the 2%? We have also been told time and again that abstinence from sexual orgies is a safer way to escape STDs/HIV/Aids. I want to assure you that I am aware of the magnitude of the crisis but have we addressed the other preventive ways! Why are the children of today unable to wait until they have come of age? There is a problem somewhere which we have not addressed collectively. Taking refuge in globalisation cannot work. We should not take everything it brings. Let let the bad go and the good stay. Perhaps I am arguing out of context. May I know from Kabwisho whether the condoms are in sizes such that infants could have their sizes too? Why is it that the more we speak of HIV/Aids and condoms, the more the children become more sexually active as though there is no more danger? Why has sex, a thing which was formerly taken by most cultures as sacred, become desecrated now? Could we try to interprete the cartoon on Monday, November 2 critically? Remember, the more you liberalise the use of condoms, the more you throw these children into a real big problem. First teach them to abstain and let them appreciate that virginity does not kill anybody and it is not a crime to abstain from sex at such a tender age. Gonzaga Waziwazi Katakwi

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