Mukula to help Sebei

Dec 18, 2001

Health state minister Capt. Mike Mukula has volunteered to reconcile rival supporters of Steven Chebrot and Lt. Juma Seiko.

By Emmy Allio Health state minister Capt. Mike Mukula has volunteered to reconcile rival supporters of Steven Chebrot and Lt. Juma Seiko. “I have contacted key figures like Chebrot, Seiko, Lt. Leonard Chemonges, district council chairman Christopher Chepkurui and MPs from Kapchorwa. They are all ready to resolve the issue,” Mukula said. In the on-going campaigns for the district council chair, Chebrot supports former District Inspector of Schools, Nelson Chelimo, while Seiko and Chemonges are campaigning for Chepkurui, the incumbent district council boss.

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