Leaders must always inform the citizens

Aug 09, 2011

EDITOR: I would like to salute President Yoweri Museveni for coming out to address the nation at a time of speculative economic atmosphere in the country.

EDITOR: I would like to salute President Yoweri Museveni for coming out to address the nation at a time of speculative economic atmosphere in the country.

Museveni addressed issues about inflated prices of commodities, political disparities within Kampala and the depreciation of the Uganda shilling.

The challenges we are facing in the country are due to poor information dissemination.

National leaders should advise the public what the Government is doing to control the situation. People would have more confidence and trust in the Government when ministers and other leaders are proactive. Ministries and other institutions have public relations officers but these people rarely come up to address issues concerning their ministries.

Why keep away from the media? Take the example of Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) wrangles. KCCA has never come up to educate the masses about the KCCA Act and the difference between KCCA and the former Kampala City Council. Recently, there was an article by Ssemujja Nganda about trading in South Sudan.

The Uganda Exports Promotions Board and the trade ministry never came up to educate the public what kind of businesses Ugandans are doing in South Sudan.

There are many other examples. I wish to thank Vision Group for hosting the President to inform Ugandans about what is happening in the country.

Mark Denio

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